In Production

Serving as our initial proof of work, MK Incursions is a conceptual mixed media production. In blending the universes of Marvel and Mortal Kombat, our team has the opportunity to create new and original ideas to bridge the storylines between the two properties.

Throughout the whole process, our veterans will be able to observe and participate as models, photographers, and illustrators. At the end of the project, all of our veterans will also learn the in and outs of 3D scanning, design and printing.

In Production

In our first documentary series, we are working with veterans to tell us their stories. Looking to let the stories speak for themselves, we are not making this into a project with a focus on "production value" and are keeping the videos submitted to us as unedited as possible.

We are doing this in an effort to get people to show these veterans that people are listening to their story and to show support to help them with their ptsd.

To this end, we are asking for a donation of only a single dollar once you"re done listening to their story. Because it's not about the money, it's about what it does. It's to show that people are listening to their struggles, and care.

The donate buttons found underneath their respective videos are dedicated to them. What this means is that not only does 100% of funds go directly only to them, but you will have the chance to leave a customized note to them as well.

*For the sake of charity donation purposes, we ask that you take a screenshot of the donation after it is completed and send it to us so we can send you a donation receipt as thanks for helping to support our veterans.

In Development

The Unseen is a new and upcoming web based psychological horror, being created with photography and a written story. That story follows people as their lives are torn apart by beings that are responsible throughout history for the worst serial killers and psychopaths the world has ever witnessed.

Yet, this production is not only about just telling a horror story. "The Unseen Series" also serves as a way to showcase some of the problems that military veterans sometimes face when re-adjusting back to civilian life, especially after combat situations. Most of the cast and crew are actually veterans themselves, and a few have shared their personal experiences to become the backbone of the story.